Universal Biosampling Co., Ltd.
Solution by UBiSS
UBiSS stands for Universal Bio-Information Sampling System. Aiming to be the first standard in Japan.
It is an integrated bio sample testing platform that collects biological information on a daily basis.
The UBiSS card is the first Japan standard bio sample collection kit. After collecting a small amount of liquid sample, it solidifies and transports it to the laboratory at room temperature. The QR code printed on the card makes it possible to manage the bio sample with a unique code system. In order to become a standard, this shape is determined in consideration of digitization and mass processing, and a patent is pending for the shape.
This is an automatic punching machine that cuts saple for testing from UBiSS cards. The cut pieces are automatically placed in 96 or 384 wells. It has a compact equipment configuration with high operability, and enables mass processing at sanitary inspection stations.
PCR devices that can perform various genetic tests are being digitized. By promoting digitalization from bio sample collection with UBiSS cards to PCR testing, we will realize digital transformation of all bio sample testing.
Molecule of blood test with UBiSS
Subject's point of view
The hassle of going to hospital
Massive blood collection for each test
Paper (analog) result notification
Inspection operator's perspective
Expensive to transport and store in liquid form
Most of the inspection process is analog
Majority of the inspection process is analog
Subject's point of view
Easy implementation of blood collection at home
Trace blood collection reduces "unpleasant feelings"
Registration of bio sample and test types using smartphone
- Digitalization is progressing and inspection becomes your own matter
Inspection operator's point of view
Reduce transportation and storage costs
Creating new mechanisms through digitization
Goal of UBiSS
By using UBiSS, it is possible to increase the inspection frequency from once a year to four times a year.
(1) Subject-originating (2) Identity verification possible (3) High reliability (4) High frequency
It will be possible to collect subject data.
Leads to early detection of illness and prevention of aggravation
New insurance, drug delivery and clinical trial mechanisms